PhD position on Large Language Models

This PhD will be developed within the framework of an ambitiuous initiative of the HiTZ center funded, among others, by the Basque and Spanish Governments, to improve the performance of Large Language Models on languages with low-resource corpora, including Basque. The motivation is that the amount of digital text available for most of the languages is orders of magnitude smaller than the text available for the largest languages. Current techniques for building Large Language Models like GPT, PaLM or Llama require massive amounts of text, and if fact, their performance for smaller languages is significantly worse.

The PhD topic is open and will look for sinergies with the aforementioned projects.

The student will join a thriving team of other PhDs and researchers focused on the limitations of current Large Language Models like GPT, and how to overcome them.

Job id: 

The candidate should preferably have a BSc degree in computer science, telecommunications engineering, mathematics or physics, and a MSc in language technologies and/or machine learning. We are looking for individuals who are passionate about natural language processing and computer vision and have a strong background in computer science and related fields. Our ideal candidate has experience in machine learning, deep learning, and statistical analysis, as well as a strong proficiency in programming languages such as Python. We welcome applicants from all backgrounds and are committed to creating an inclusive and supportive workplace.

Duration of Contract: 

3 years

Gross salary: 

The position is fully funded. The student will have all tuition fees covered and receive a gross salary of 17,221€ (1st year), 17,823€ (2nd year) and 19,765€ (3rd year), which is sufficient to cover life expenses in the area (including housing in a shared apartment).

San Sebastian
Starting date: 
Start date is flexible. priority will be given to candidates targetting June-September 2023, but we encourage all candidates to apply.
Contact details for enquiries: 

The advisors will be Mikel Artetxe and Eneko Agirre. If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us at this address: Please include the job ID when contacting us.

To submit your application please follow this link.