research projects

The HiTZ Chair of Artificial Intelligence and Language Technology has an ambitious program to strengthen leadership in this technology and place the country at the technological forefront.
(2024 - 2026)
The HiTZ Chair of Artificial Intelligence and Language Technology has an ambitious program to strengthen leadership in this technology and place the country at the technological forefront. To achieve this, it is supported by two pillars: On the one hand, scientific excellence at the HiTZ research center, Basque Center for Language Technology of the UPV/EHU, in collaboration with the Faculty of Informatics of the UPV/EHU. On the other hand, the company Avature, whose transparent and intentional approach regarding the development of artificial intelligence makes their platform to be chosen by many international companies and government entities to safely deploy their technology in talent-related tasks. The main objective is to reinforce the research leadership with measures to increase the training of experts, the synergy with the industry, the social awareness of the real risks and research into more efficient and unbiased language models. There are four concerted lines of action planned for the next four years: 1) Increase the number of experts through undergraduate, postgraduate and continuous training offer. 2) Technological transfer through a novel collaboration mechanism. 3) Foster research into generative Artificial Intelligence, improving aspects such as energy efficiency and biases. 4) Improve the projection of research to society through a dissemination plan with special emphasis on generative AI, since a society better informed about the capabilities of AI will be able to adopt and enhance the benefits, and in turn identify and mitigate the new challenges it entails.Para publicidad poner lo siguiente Con cargo al proyecto TSI100923-2023-1, financiado por MTDFP, Secretaría de Estado de Digitalización e Inteligencia Artificial, ENIA, y por la Unión Europea-Next Generation EU / PRTR
Organization: Ministerio para la transformación digital y de la función pública.
Main researcher: Eneko Agirre
Eva Navas, Inma Hernáez, Olatz Arbelaitz, Elena Lazkano, Roberto Santana, Eneko Agirre, Jon Apaolaza, Gorka Azkune, Arantza Casillas, Mikel Iruskieta, German Rigau , Aitor Soroa