research projects
Strategic network for the integration into the European research infrastructures in Social Sciences and Humanities.
(2025 - 2027)
Grupo Ixa grupo de investigación A
(2022 - 2026)- EDHIA: Detección temprana e identificación de riesgos de salud con PLN y argumentación
(2023 - 2026)
(2023 - 2026)- #neural2speech - Decoding speech and language from the human brain
Deep learning for speech generation from brain.
(2023 - 2026)
LINGUATEC IA, adimen artifizialaren bidez aragoiera, euskara, katalana eta okzitaniera digitalizatzen aurrera egiteko proiektua
(2024 - 2026)- DeepMinor: Language Models for Multilingual and Multidomain Text Processing in Low Resource Scenarios
Language Models for Multilingual and Multidomain Text Processing in Low Resource Scenarios
(2024 - 2026)
(2024 - 2026)
The HiTZ Chair of Artificial Intelligence and Language Technology has an ambitious program to strengthen leadership in this technology and place the country at the technological forefront.
(2024 - 2026)
(2025 - 2026)
DeepKnowledge (PID2021-127777OB-C21) project funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by FEDER
(2022 - 2025)
TRAIN (PID2021-123988OB-C31) project funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”
(2022 - 2025)- LOTU: Analysis of psycho-linguistic features for early detection of changes in social media about LOneliness and isolation perception employing deep naTUral language understanding
LOTU: Analysis of psycho-linguistic features for early detection of changes in social media about LOneliness and isolation perception employing deep naTUral language understanding
(2022 - 2025)
Learning commonsense knowledge for natural language understanding.
(2022 - 2025)
Acquisition of the necessary update of the software Itzulbide for the translation of clinical texts from Basque to Spanish
(2023 - 2025)
(2023 - 2025)- ICL4LANG: Aprendizaje En contexto como nuevo paradigma para investigar tecnologías del lenguaje escalables y de alta precisión adaptadas a las necesidades industriales del País Vasco
(2023 - 2025)
Research on Language Technology to foster the presence of Basque in the digital landscape.
(2023 - 2025)
(2023 - 2025)
(2024 - 2025)
Use of computational resources in the EuroHPC SuperComputer to scale up the experiments and build very large models for European languages with few resources
(2024 - 2025)- CLARIAH-EUS-gArA
(2024 - 2025)